Our passion for the art of driving has produced undoubtedly the most interesting and comprehensive on-line driving course available. Please have a look at our DEMO. No personal information requested just click (on the INSTANT DEMO icon) and see for yourself how we work to help you become the expert driver.
“Us and the others”
“Save money and respect the environment”
“The correct driving techniques”
"To learn more”
Every course has 12-14 lessons that deal with a different theme within a given topic.
Every lesson has a dedicated video, each lasting about 3-5 minutes. The total duration of the videos for every Course is about 1 and a half hours.
After each lesson you can go to the next one by answering one or more questions, depending on the configuration you choose.
You can also choose the version where all the questions are at the end of the Course or the version where there are no questions at all.
In addition to the number and position of the questions, there are many other personalization options.
Read more ...
On the “CUSTOMIZE” page that follows you will find all the available options and tips so that you can choose the ones that you prefer.
We have also mixed the topics, so there are another 6 Courses available ranging from EXCERPTS OF DRIVING, which is composed of 4 lessons, to the MAXI COURSE, which has 28 lessons!
Every Course has a printable “ABSTRACT”, which gives a summary of the lessons. The Abstract can be purchased either individually or along with the selected Course. In this case it serves as a "Memo" during the months following the Course.
To find out what your driving level is before you take the course, you can use the ASSESSMENT program - EVALUATING RISKS. It is very fascinating and you will definitely have some doubts.
There are two "Start" courses, each one both without questions and with questions.
PRICE and COMPOSITION of the "START" courses:
As mentioned earlier, the "Drive at Best" product offering is very complete and can be personalised. The price range is also quite varied, and is as follows:
On the "SELECT THE COURSE - CUSTOMIZE" page we will help you create a "tailor made" course. Knowing that a person’s maximum attention lasts for no more than one hour, we would like to remind you that our Online Coaching is designed to allow users to easily stop the course at any time. You can just as easily go back to the same point in the course whenever you want.
You will find both brief and detailed explanations of the various Course types on the "SHOP" page.
-the VISION ZERO video.It’s a combination of a dream and a commitment that governments and institutions that focus on road safety are pursuing for the not so distant future: no more traffic deaths.
-a FREE ASSESSMENT that covers 4 topics, each with 10 questions and 40 possible answers.
You will watch an excerpt of the demonstration videos and you can answer a dozen questions (multiple choice) per topic which will be used to determine your current driving ability.
- a INSTANT DEMO that explains how a Standard Course is done and how it “works”.
It consists of 10 video lessons taken from different Courses. While illustrating the various topics, the videos are shorter than the standard version.
Our Programs have a duration from 15 minutes to 3 hours.
Scientific studies have shown that peak maximum attention can be maintained for 30-40 minutes.
If a user is very attentive and has excellent concentration skills, this person can go beyond this threshold.
However, when you feel that you are no longer able to maintain a good level on concentration during the lessons, we recommend that you exit the program by logging out.
You can then come back at any time by re-logging in.
The program will automatically resume from where it was stopped.
There are no limits to the amount of times you can stop, but DriveatBest recommends that
you take a reasonable number of “physiological” breaks so that learning is as “fluid” as possible.